Carrie Noonan

Carrie Noonan

Licensing: 5022870

Carrie Noonan, a distinguished real estate agent specializing in Simcoe County and lake homes in Muskoka, combines her rich background in the food and beverage industry with her expertise in technology, communications, and public relations. A Bachelor of Technology graduate, Carrie transitioned from being an invaluable administrative support for top-producing teams to an accomplished realtor three years ago, bringing a unique perspective to the real estate industry.

With over four years of experience supporting high-achieving teams and an intimate knowledge of Muskoka – a place close to her heart – Carrie offers unmatched insights into these sought-after markets. Her expertise is not just in finding a property but in uncovering a place that resonates with the unique lifestyle and aspirations of each client. Known for her empathetic approach, honed through personal experiences of frequent relocations, she excels in identifying and fulfilling the elusive feeling of home for her clients.

Carrie is acclaimed for her philosophy of authenticity, transparency, and relentless dedication to client service, embracing a ‘whatever it takes’ approach to secure their dream homes. Her clients consistently laud her patience, intuitive understanding, and unwavering support, making her a trusted advisor in the journey to homeownership.

Active in the community and passionate about an active lifestyle, Carrie’s connection to the areas she serves goes beyond professional expertise. She is a familiar face in local events, contributing to the vibrant community spirit.

Connect with Carrie for a real estate experience rooted in genuine care, expert knowledge, and a commitment to finding your perfect home. Visit [her website/social media] to learn more and start your journey with a trusted property expert.

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